The book “Beter werken met coaches”

Beter werken met coaches

In my book, Beter werken met coaches, I combine over 14 years of coaching experience to help you successfully deploy coaches in your organisation.

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Beter werken met coaches


Today, most organisations understand the value of a good coaching policy.
But a lot of questions remain:

  • What can I expect from a coach?
  • What can we do ourselves, and what do we need to outsource?
  • Where do I find the right coach for my situation?
  • How do I know whether a coach will live up to my expectations?
  • What is the cost of coaching?
  • What is the return on investment?
  • How do I measure the results?

This book holds the answers to all those questions. It also offers a clear framework, based on hands-on experience and underpinned by scientific research. I also shed some light on the way I expect coaching to evolve in the future. I wrote the book “Beter werken met coaches” for every CEO, HR Manager, company owner or manager who needs a practical guide to setting up a professional coaching policy.


“Do you ever feel lost when it comes to coaching? Do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of suppliers who all present their coaching method as the solution, but then fail to answer the question that worries you?

In this book, Dirk Versées – who has been working as a coach for many years – takes coaching back to its essence. He puts the concept into the right perspective by systematically asking what exactly motivates a client to seek out coaching. With practical advice and useful ideas, he manages to give company owners and HR professionals the ‘language’ they need to make coaching a meaningful part of their organisation.

With his customer-centric approach, Versées brings coaching back to its true purpose: connecting people and organisations. He gets rid of the empty coaching phrases and fills up that space with meaningful and specific questions. He challenges the reader to envision the desired coaching climate within an organisation. He does not shy away from sharing his own coaching experience and expertise, and underpins it with relevant scientific evidence. Highly recommended, also for coaches!”

– Maarten Andriessen

Watch the interview (Dutch)

Would you like to know more about working with coaches?

Watch the interview that was conducted on the occasion of my book launch.

Note: the interview is in Dutch.

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