Shed a different light onto a complicated situation to get to the underlying truth.
More and more people struggle with problems that remain unresolved. It is often hard to grasp what is truly going on. If you feel like you have tried everything and yet the result stays the same, a different approach can help you get unstuck. Systemic constellations shed a different light onto a situation, helping you untangle a seemingly impossible knot. Without many words, you quickly get to the core of what matters.
I want to take part.All systemic constellations“Thanks to Dirk’s casual approach, the afternoon session quickly turned into a safe platform where, through targeted questions and with the help of the other participants, we were able to develop a clear view of our work environment and the relationships we have with our colleagues and management. It was very inspiring, especially since it was just one afternoon! It remains difficult to explain, but somehow you get the insight and tools you need to break out of a situation you have felt trapped in at work.”
– Tine – systemic constellations participant
You present your issue to the group. To ensure confidentiality, you are allowed to do so in covert terms. You do not have to mention persons or companies by name. I act as a guide and ask some additional questions to clarify the context.
You select some people from the group and position them in a certain way in the room. They represent people or elements in your story. This setting will be our starting point.
Having a visual representation of a problem can be very refreshing. It can reveal something that has been hidden until now: an imbalance, an unexpected connection, or something else that has remained unnoticed. It is not uncommon for the missing puzzle piece to fall into place at that time.
“I didn’t have a specific question myself… at least that’s what I thought. Dirk asked me the right questions until I saw very clearly what I was struggling with myself. With the help of the other participants, I then started to shape my environment, and the pieces started falling into place. I took that vision and applied it at work, and suddenly my professional environment seemed wonderfully simple.”
– Koen
I regularly organise workshops on fixed topics, such as "How to apply systemic thinking to your work environment" or "Money and abundance". In addition, I like to apply my knowledge to current affairs. So feel free to take a look at the training calendar and sign up for a systemic constellation of your choice. The workshops take place at a neutral location and last half a day (usually the afternoon). Thematic workshops are spread over 1 to 2 days.
Check the calendarAre you struggling with a specific issue that is not being tackled in the existing offer? Then I would be happy to organise a systemic constellation on demand, together with two or three other people with a similar question. I will make sure that we find enough representatives. On-demand setups are not announced in advance but take place as soon as enough questions come in.
Tell me your story.“I participated in an organisational constellation to find an answer to a career issue. Through this exercise – in which participants take your position and those of others involved – you gain more insight into underlying motivations and patterns. It was a fascinating process – a foundation on which I could build afterwards.”
– Marleen
Let me know which challenges you are currently facing.
During a free call, we can discuss the options, after which I will send you a free proposal.
I look forward to helping you unlock your full potential!
Get in touch today.