About me

About Navigo

My story

My story

When I graduated, job satisfaction or personal development was not something people talked about. So I had nowhere to go with my permanent feeling of distress. It felt like other people were dictating my life. Today, I see the same thing happening to the people around me. They are searching for meaning, their purpose and their calling.

It took me years and countless jobs to get rid of this restlessness inside. Job satisfaction only came when I realised that your path is not something you just find. You can (no, you must) map it out yourself. And I have made it my mission to help others do just that.

I help individuals, teams and organisations steer their unique course. That gives me tons of energy every day. Are you next?

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My vision

The company name Navigo was not chosen randomly. It’s Latin for “I am sailing, I am setting the course, I am navigating”. In other words, “I’m at the helm”. And that is what I believe: that you are in control of your own life. That does not mean that you can control everything that is happening around you. What it does mean is that you know who you are and where you want to go. I help you set your course and navigate more consciously, both at work and in your personal life. So instead of aimlessly drifting around, dare to take the helm and intentionally set course towards your goal. Turn your company into a network society, where each team member is allowed to contribute to a greater whole using their unique talents.

My approach

At the bottom of my logo is a solid line that turns into a dotted line. It symbolizes my working method: I guide you intensely in the beginning and remain available when you need me, but my aim is to make myself redundant. Why? Because I believe in sustainable change. Too often, coaching is a temporary effort, and the result fades. I want to empower you for the long run. That is why I teach you techniques and insights that you can apply for the rest of your life.

My influences

I do not limit myself to one particular coaching methodology. The lens through which I see the world has more than one colour. It allows me to adapt my approach to any unique situation. That being said, certain influences did contribute to who I am. I strongly believe in the power of systemic thinking as described by Bert Hellinger, Iván Böszörményi-Nagy and Barry Oshry. Abundance by Deepak Chopra and Deep Democracy by Mindell and Lewis also brought me valuable insights. Whenever I can, I immerse myself in new models and systems to further refine my technique. I remain fascinated by all topics related to self-reliance and self-care, and the effect they have on society.

My influences
My certification

My certification

Coaching is a responsibility which I take seriously. I have been recognised as a “Professional Certified Coach” by the International Coaching Federation ICF. I gained this certificate after passing the exam, in which I had to demonstrate my coaching knowledge. I also vow to respect the ICF’s code of ethics and uphold their principles. Among other things, these guarantee respect for your privacy.

Get the book: “Beter werken met coaches” (Dutch)

Coaching has become an essential part of any business. But there are so many different coaches out there. How do you find the right one? I wrote the book “Beter werken met coaches” for every CEO, HR Manager, company owner or manager who needs a practical guide to setting up a professional coaching policy.

Beter werken met coaches
Dirk Versées
ISBN: 978-94-6337-035-6
158 pagina’s

Order your copy

Get the book: “Beter werken met coaches” (Dutch)

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